Panduan Bosch GSR 18-2-LI Plus Drill-Driver

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4 | English
1 609 92A 1V5 | (5.10.16) Bosch Power Tools
pack may create a risk of fire when used with another bat-
tery pack.
Use power tools only with specifically designated bat-
tery packs. Use of any other battery packs may create a
risk of injury and fire.
When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from oth-
er metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys, nails,
screws or other small metal objects, that can make a
connection from one terminal to another. Shorting the
battery terminals together may cause burns or a fire.
Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected from
the battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally oc-
curs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes, addition-
ally seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the battery
may cause irritation or burns.
Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair per-
son using only identical replacement parts. This will en-
sure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.
Safety Warnings for Drills and Screw-
GSB 14,4-2-LI Plus/GSB 18-2-LI Plus
Wear ear protectors when impact drilling. Exposure to
noise can cause hearing loss.
GSR 14,4-2-LI Plus/GSR 18-2-LI Plus/
GSB 14,4-2-LI Plus/GSB 18-2-LI Plus
Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces when
performing an operation where the cutting accessory
or fastener may contact hidden wiring. Cutting accesso-
ry and fasteners contacting a “live” wire may make ex-
posed metal parts of the power tool “live” and could give
the operator an electric shock.
Use auxiliary handle(s), if supplied with the tool. Loss
of control can cause personal injury.
Use appropriate detectors to determine if utility lines
are hidden in the work area or call the local utility com-
pany for assistance. Contact with electric lines can lead
to fire and electric shock. Damaging a gas line can lead to
explosion. Penetrating a water line causes property dam-
Switch off the power tool immediately when the tool in-
sert jams. Be prepared for high reaction torque that
can cause kickback. The tool insert jams when:
the power tool is subject to overload or
it becomes wedged in the workpiece.
Hold the machine with a firm grip. High reaction torque
can briefly occur while driving in and loosening screws.
Secure the workpiece. A workpiece clamped with clamp-
ing devices or in a vice is held more secure than by hand.
Always wait until the machine has come to a complete
stop before placing it down. The tool insert can jam and
lead to loss of control over the power tool.
Do not open the battery. Danger of short-circuiting.
Protect the battery against heat, e. g., against
continuous intense sunlight, fire, water, and
moisture. Danger of explosion.
In case of damage and improper use of the battery, va-
pours may be emitted. Ventilate the area and seek
medical help in case of complaints. The vapours can irri-
tate the respiratory system.
Use the battery only in conjunction with your Bosch
power tool. This measure alone protects the battery
against dangerous overload.
The battery can be damaged by pointed objects such as
nails or screwdrivers or by force applied externally. An
internal short circuit can occur and the battery can burn,
smoke, explode or overheat.
Additional Safety and Working In-
Dusts from materials such as lead-containing coatings,
some wood types, minerals and metal can be harmful to
one’s health and cause allergic reactions, lead to res-
piratory infections and/or cancer. Materials containing
asbestos may only be worked by specialists.
Provide for good ventilation of the working place.
It is recommended to wear a P2 filter-class respirator.
Observe the relevant regulations in your country for the mate-
rials to be worked.
Prevent dust accumulation at the workplace. Dusts can
easily ignite.
The battery is supplied partially charged. To ensure full
battery capacity, completely charge the battery in the
battery charger before using for the first time.
Read the operating instructions of the battery charger.
Apply the power tool to the screw only when it is
switched off. Rotating tool inserts can slip off.
Adjust the gear switch only when the machine is at a
complete stop.
Always push the gear selector and turn the operating
mode selector switch through to the stop. Otherwise,
the machine can become damaged.
The following symbols are important for reading and under-
standing the operating instructions. Please take note of the
symbols and their meaning. The correct interpretation of the
symbols will help you to use the machine in a better and safer
manner. Page 4 Wednesday, October 5, 2016 9:57 AM
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Merek Bosch
Model GSR 18-2-LI Plus
Kategori Drill-Driver
Jenis file PDF
Ukuran file 6.76 MB

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Pertanyaan umum tentang Bosch GSR 18-2-LI Plus Drill-Driver

Tim dukungan kami mencari informasi produk yang berguna dan jawaban atas pertanyaan umum. Jika Anda menemukan ketidakakuratan dalam pertanyaan umum kami, harap beri tahu kami melalui formulir kontak kami.

Saya terus melepaskan kepala sekrup saat menggunakan obeng bor. Mengapa demikian? Diverifikasi

Kebanyakan penggerak bor dapat disetel untuk mengencangkan sekrup lebih keras atau lebih lunak. Jika kepala bor terus dilucuti, pengemudi bor mungkin harus diatur ke pengaturan yang berbeda. Jika ini adalah perangkat nirkabel, selalu pastikan baterai terisi untuk hasil yang optimal.

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Apakah saya perlu memakai pelindung pendengaran saat menggunakan bor? Diverifikasi

Ya kamu harus. Meskipun jumlah kebisingan yang dihasilkan oleh bor dapat bervariasi antara merek dan model, paparan suara keras dalam jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pendengaran permanen. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya kenakan pelindung pendengaran.

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Bisakah saya menyimpan perkakas listrik di gudang atau garasi? Diverifikasi

Secara umum, Anda dapat menyimpan perkakas listrik di gudang atau garasi, meskipun terkadang cuaca membeku di sana. Namun, untuk masa pakai perkakas listrik, lebih baik menyimpannya di tempat yang kering tanpa fluktuasi suhu yang besar. Pada gudang atau garasi, perbedaan suhu dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya kondensasi yang dapat menyebabkan karat. Selain itu, peralatan yang menggunakan baterai akan bertahan lebih singkat dan tidak dapat mengisi daya dengan baik pada suhu yang sangat rendah. Untuk memastikan bagaimana perkakas listrik Anda perlu disimpan, selalu bacalah panduan pengguna secara menyeluruh.

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Panduan Bosch GSR 18-2-LI Plus Drill-Driver

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