Panduan Bosch GWS 900-125 Professional Gerinda Sudut

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8 | English
1 609 92A 3T4 | (3.4.17) Bosch Power Tools
Use special care when working corners, sharp edges,
etc. Avoid bouncing and snagging the accessory. Cor-
ners, sharp edges or bouncing have a tendency to snag the
rotating accessory and cause loss of control or kickback.
Do not attach a saw chain woodcarving blade or
toothed saw blade. Such blades create frequent kickback
and loss of control.
Safety warnings specific for Grinding and Abrasive
Cutting-Off operations
Use only wheel types that are recommended for your
power tool and the specific guard designed for the se-
lected wheel. Wheels for which the power tool was not de-
signed cannot be adequately guarded and are unsafe.
The grinding surface of the centre depressed wheels
must be mounted below the plane of the guard lip. An
improperly mounted wheel that projects through the plane
of the guard lip cannot be adequately protected.
The guard must be securely attached to the power tool
and positioned for maximum safety, so the least
amount of wheel is exposed towards the operator. The
guard helps to protect operator from broken wheel frag-
ments, accidental contact with wheel and sparks that
could ignite clothing.
Wheels must be used only for recommended applica-
tions. For example: do not grind with the side of the
cut-off wheel. Abrasive cut-off wheels are intended for
peripheral grinding; side forces applied to these wheels
may cause them to shatter.
Always use undamaged wheel flanges that are of cor-
rect size and shape for your selected wheel. Proper
wheel flanges support the wheel thus reducing the possi-
bility of wheel breakage. Flanges for cut-off wheels may be
different from grinding wheel flanges.
Do not use worn down reinforced wheels from larger
power tools. Wheels intended for larger power tools are
not suitable for the higher speed of a smaller tool and may
Additional safety warnings specific for abrasive cutting
off operations
Do not “jam” the cut-off wheel or apply excessive pres-
sure. Do not attempt to make an excessive depth of cut.
Overstressing the wheel increases the loading and suscep-
tibility to twisting or binding of the wheel in the cut and the
possibility of kickback or wheel breakage.
Do not position your body in line with and behind the
rotating wheel. When the wheel, at the point of operation,
is moving away from your body, the possible kickback may
propel the spinning wheel and the power tool directly at
When wheel is binding or when interrupting a cut for
any reason, switch off the power tool and hold the pow-
er tool motionless until the wheel comes to a complete
stop. Never attempt to remove the cut-off wheel from
the cut while the wheel is in motion otherwise kickback
may occur. Investigate and take corrective action to elimi-
nate the cause of wheel binding.
Do not restart the cutting operation in the workpiece.
Let the wheel reach full speed and carefully re-enter
the cut. The wheel may bind, walk up or kickback if the
power tool is restarted in the workpiece.
Support panels or any oversized workpiece to minimize
the risk of wheel pinching and kickback. Large work-
pieces tend to sag under their own weight. Supports must
be placed under the workpiece near the line of cut and near
the edge of the workpiece on both sides of the wheel.
Use extra caution when making a “pocket cut” into ex-
isting walls or other blind areas. The protruding wheel
may cut gas or water pipes, electrical wiring or objects that
can cause kickback.
Safety warnings specific for sanding operations
Do not use excessively oversized sanding disc paper.
Follow manufacturers recommendations, when select-
ing sanding paper. Larger sanding paper extending be-
yond the sanding pad presents a laceration hazard and
may cause snagging, tearing of the disc, or kickback.
Safety warnings specific for wire brushing operations
Be aware that wire bristles are thrown by the brush
even during ordinary operation. Do not overstress the
wires by applying excessive load to the brush. The wire
bristles can easily penetrate light clothing and/or skin.
If the use of a guard is recommended for wire brushing,
do not allow any interference of the wire wheel or
brush with the guard. Wire wheel or brush may expand in
diameter due to work load and centrifugal forces.
Additional safety warnings
Wear safety goggles.
Use suitable detectors to determine if utility lines are
hidden in the work area or call the local utility company
for assistance. Contact with electric lines can lead to fire
and electric shock. Damaging a gas line can lead to explo-
sion. Penetrating a water line causes property damage or
may cause an electric shock.
Release the On/Off switch and set it to the off position
when the power supply is interrupted, e. g., in case of a
power failure or when the mains plug is pulled. This pre-
vents uncontrolled restarting.
Do not touch grinding and cutting discs before they
have cooled down. The discs can become very hot while
Secure the workpiece. A workpiece clamped with clamp-
ing devices or in a vice is held more secure than by hand.
Products sold in GB only: Your product is fitted with a
BS 1363/A approved electric plug with internal fuse
(ASTA approved to BS 1362).
If the plug is not suitable for your socket outlets, it should
be cut off and an appropriate plug fitted in its place by an
authorised customer service agent. The replacement plug
should have the same fuse rating as the original plug. Page 8 Monday, April 3, 2017 8:22 AM
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Merek Bosch
Model GWS 900-125 Professional
Kategori Gerinda Sudut
Jenis file PDF
Ukuran file 10.36 MB

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Pertanyaan umum tentang Bosch GWS 900-125 Professional Gerinda Sudut

Tim dukungan kami mencari informasi produk yang berguna dan jawaban atas pertanyaan umum. Jika Anda menemukan ketidakakuratan dalam pertanyaan umum kami, harap beri tahu kami melalui formulir kontak kami.

Pada bahan apa saya bisa menggunakan penggiling sudut saya. Diverifikasi

Penggiling sudut paling cocok digunakan pada logam atau batu. Mesin ini menghasilkan banyak panas sehingga kurang cocok untuk digunakan pada kayu atau plastik.

Ini sangat membantu (63) Baca selengkapnya

Apakah saya perlu memakai pelindung pendengaran saat menggunakan penggiling sudut? Diverifikasi

Ya kamu harus. Meskipun jumlah kebisingan yang dihasilkan oleh penggiling sudut dapat bervariasi antara merek dan model, paparan suara keras dalam jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pendengaran permanen. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya kenakan pelindung pendengaran.

Ini sangat membantu (16) Baca selengkapnya

Apakah saya perlu memakai pelindung mata saat menggunakan penggiling sudut? Diverifikasi

Ya. Partikel kecil dapat terbang selama penggilingan. Jika terkena mata, dapat menyebabkan kerusakan mata permanen. Itu sebabnya selalu perlu memakai pelindung mata.

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Bisakah saya menyimpan perkakas listrik di gudang atau garasi? Diverifikasi

Secara umum, Anda dapat menyimpan perkakas listrik di gudang atau garasi, meskipun terkadang cuaca membeku di sana. Namun, untuk masa pakai perkakas listrik, lebih baik menyimpannya di tempat yang kering tanpa fluktuasi suhu yang besar. Pada gudang atau garasi, perbedaan suhu dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya kondensasi yang dapat menyebabkan karat. Selain itu, peralatan yang menggunakan baterai akan bertahan lebih singkat dan tidak dapat mengisi daya dengan baik pada suhu yang sangat rendah. Untuk memastikan bagaimana perkakas listrik Anda perlu disimpan, selalu bacalah panduan pengguna secara menyeluruh.

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Panduan Bosch GWS 900-125 Professional Gerinda Sudut

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