Panduan Electrolux E7TB1-82SM Explore 7 Blender

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Never operate the appliance without the lid.
Do not use the appliance continuously for more than 2 minutes when processing heavy load. After
using for 2 minutes with heavy loads, the appliance should be left to cool for at least 5 minutes before
The jug cannot be used for blending or grinding hard and dry substances, except for ice cubes. Use
the multi-chopper to grind hard and dry substances (Eg. nuts, candy, rice etc...)
Be careful if hot liquid is poured into the appliance as it can be ejected out of the appliance due to a
sudden steaming.
Never process boiling liquids (max 90°C).
Do not exceed the maximum filling volume as indicated on the appliance.
Do not use this appliance to stir paint. Danger, could result in an explosion!
Do not let the power cord come into contact with hot surfaces or hang over the edge of a table or
Never use accessories or parts made by other manufacturers not recommended or sold by Electrolux
as it may cause a risk of injury to persons.
This appliance is for indoor use only.
This appliance is intended for domestic use only. Electrolux will not accept any liability for possible
damage caused by improper or incorrect use.
If the appliance is left on without using any speed or programs, it will automatically switch off after 5
CAUTION: In order to avoid a hazard due to inadvertent resetting of the thermal cut-out, this
appliance must not be supplied through an external switching device, such as a timer, or connected to
a circuit that is regularly switched on and off by the utility.
1 BeBefore using your appliance for the first time: Remove all packing material such as plastics,
stickers or tags that may be attached to the housing, bowls or attachments. Clean the appliance
and accessories, see instructions: “Cleaning and Care”.
2 Prepare the ingredients: Rinse ingredients thoroughly. Cut the ingredients into 4 to 6 pieces and
remove any hard or large seeds. Remove any thick peel from the fruit or vegetables.
3 Place the jug on the blender base. The jug can only be placed on the base with the handle to-
wards the user interface. Rotate it clockwise until it clicks into position. (The jug can only be placed
in one position). When locked, the symbol
on the jar should be aligned with the symbol on the
blender base. Put the ingredients in the jug. (Do not exceed the maximum level as indicated on the
4 Close the lid. Insert the measuring cup by rotating clockwise until it clicks into position. (You can
add ingredients through the filler hole. Never remove the measuring cup or the lid while running the
Caution! Never run the blender empty. When processing hot liquids, see step 5.
5 Processing hot liquids: We recommend to allow hot liquids to cool down (max 90 °C) before filling
the jug. Fill the jug only half full and start processing on low speed. The blender jug can become
very warm – take care to protect your hands and to ventilate steam out through the filler hole. Al-
ways replace the lid before use.
6 Start the blender: Plug into mains. Press the ON/OFF-button (N), The buttons will light up illuminat-
ing the display. Press the speed 1, 2, or 3 button, to select your desired processing speed.
7 Caution! Keep hands and utensils out of the blending jug while blending.
Caution! Never run the blender empty, running the blender empty can cause overheating and dam-
age the product.
8 You have preset speeds (1, 2, 3), dedicated recipe programs, and Pulse mode to choose from.
The selected speed or recipe program will light up. The blender will operate until the program is
finished. To stop any program manually, press any button.
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Merek Electrolux
Model E7TB1-82SM Explore 7
Kategori Blender
Jenis file PDF
Ukuran file 3.56 MB

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Pertanyaan umum tentang Electrolux E7TB1-82SM Explore 7 Blender

Tim dukungan kami mencari informasi produk yang berguna dan jawaban atas pertanyaan umum. Jika Anda menemukan ketidakakuratan dalam pertanyaan umum kami, harap beri tahu kami melalui formulir kontak kami.

Saya ingin mengetahui umur peralatan Electrolux saya. Bagaimana aku melakukan itu? Diverifikasi

Anda dapat menentukan usia produk Anda dengan menggunakan nomor seri. Ini dapat ditemukan di perangkat Anda. Karakter pertama nomor seri menunjukkan tahun (yaitu: 1 = 2001) dan dua karakter setelahnya menunjukkan minggu produksi (yaitu: 35 = minggu ke 35 tahun tersebut). Jadi nomor seri 13500016 menandakan bahwa mesin tersebut berasal dari minggu ke 35 tahun 2001.

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Bisakah blender juga menghancurkan es? Diverifikasi

Kebanyakan blender mampu menghancurkan es. Hal ini bergantung pada model dan pisau pada blender. Selalu periksa ini untuk model spesifik Anda.

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Apa perbedaan antara pengolah makanan dan blender? Diverifikasi

Food processor biasanya dapat mengolah makanan menjadi kubus, irisan dan bentuk lainnya. Blender sangat cocok untuk menggiling dan mencampur makanan.

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Panduan Electrolux E7TB1-82SM Explore 7 Blender

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