Panduan Heart of House Argyll Kursi Berlengan

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6 Issue 2 - 09.07.2014
Beware of sharp or hot objects :- Buckles, keys, toys and
jewellry can easiliy snag on the fabric and cause tears and
pulls. Hot objects, such as heat from mugs or cups can
permanently disfigure upholstery.
Pets sleeping / lying on the furniture, as their natural body
oils/hair/saliva can cause damage to the leather finish.
Especially do not allow domestic pets to claw or climb on the
sofa, they have sharp claws which can scratch the leather.
Their saliva is very harmful to leather as are their body fluids
and oils.
The product is designed for interior use only. When the time
comes to discard it, do not dispose of the sofa improperly but
make use of public waste disposal systems.
Wearing dark clothing especially denim jeans
Leaving newspapers lying on the furniture
Both of the above can result in dye/print being ground into the
fabric and can result in cream/pale finishes going grey in
Do not move the sofa by pushing or pulling it by the arms on
smooth or rough surfaces. If the sofa has to be moved the
correct way to do so, is by lifting it from the base with two
persons. Inproper handling may lead to the feet or stitching to
be damaged.
Excessive Force :- Use your sofa responsibly. Do not jump
on the sofa and avoid sitting on the edges of cushions and
arms as this may cause distortion and permanent damage.
Restrain children from climbing or jumping on the furniture,
especially in shoes.
Safety and Care Advice
Care and maintenance
• Keep a minimum distance of 20-30 cm between your furniture
and any source of heat i.e. fires or radiators.
• Avoid exposing the sofa to direct sunlight or to powerful
lamps to as this may result in the leather fading. Protect it by
drawing curtains or blinds.
Vacuum or use a soft brush weekly as accumulated dust and
dirt will wear and dull the material.
Zips are fitted to assist in the ease of manufacture and do not
necessarily mean the cover is removable for washing or
Loose Threads should be cut carefully not pulled as this may
unravel the stitching.
Biro:- Remove any Biro marks immediately as the ink will eat
into the leather.
Unduh panduan dalam bahasa Indonesia (PDF, 0.36 MB)
(Pertimbangkan lingkungan dan hanya cetak panduan ini jika benar-benar diperlukan)


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Merek Heart of House
Model Argyll
Kategori Kursi Berlengan
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Ukuran file 0.36 MB

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