Panduan Hikoki D 6VA Impact Drill

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1. Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces,
when performing an operation where the cutting
accessory may contact hidden wiring or its own
cord. Cutting accessory contacting a "live" wire may
make exposed metal parts of the power tool "live" and
could give the operator an electric shock.
2. Hold the drill securely when using.
3. Do not wear gloves made of stu liable to roll up such as
cotton, wool, cloth or string, etc.
4. Prior to drilling into walls, ceilings or oors, ensure there
are no electric cables or conduits inside.
5. Do not use the tool for tightening or loosening of screws,
bolts, etc.
Doing so may cause damage to the tool or personal
6. Do not perform tasks that go beyond the capabilities of
this product as described below in "SPECIFICATIONS".
7. When mounting the drill bit, insert it fully into the drill
chuck and completely tighten the drill chuck with the
chuck wrench.
If mounting is not done properly, it is very dangerous as
the drill bit may slip or loosen during operation.
8. Do not touch the bit during or immediately after operation.
The bit becomes very hot during operation and could
cause serious burns.
9. When placing the drill on the oor, make sure that the drill
has stopped completely.
10. When working in high position, take care of downward
Voltage (by areas)* 220 V
Power input 240 W*
No load speed 0 – 4000 /min
Drill chuck capacity 6.5 mm
Steel 6.5 mm
Wood 9 mm
Weight (without cord) 0.9 kg
* Be sure to check the nameplate on product as it is subject to change by areas.
(1) Open the chuck jaws, and insert the bit into the chuck.
(2) Place the chuck wrench in each of the three holes in the
chuck, and turn it in the clockwise direction (viewed from
the front side). Tighten securely.
(3) To remove the bit, place the chuck wrench into one of
the holes in the chuck and turn it in the counterclockwise
6. Check the rotational direction (Fig. 2)
The bit rotates clockwise (viewed from the rear side) by
turning the rotational change lever to R-mark.
The rotational change lever is returned to the L-mark to
turn the bit counterclockwise.
and marks are provided on the body.)
1. Switch operation
When the trigger is depressed, the tool rotates. When the
trigger is released, the tool stops.
The rotational speed of the drill can be controlled by
varying the amount that the trigger switch is pulled.
Speed is low when the trigger switch is pulled slightly and
increases as the trigger switch is pulled more.
Pulling the trigger and pushing the stopper, it keeps
the switched-on condition which is convenient for
continuous running. When switching o , the stopper can
be disconnected by pulling the trigger again. (Fig. 3)
2. Drilling
When drilling, start the drill slowly, and gradually
increasing speed as you drill.
Always apply pressure in a straight line with the bit. Use
enough pressure to keep drilling, but do not push hard
enough to stall the motor or de ect the bit.
To minimize stalling or breaking through the material,
reduce pressure on drill and ease the bit through the last
part of the hole.
Chuck wrench ..............................................................1
Standard accessories are subject to change without notice.
Boring holes in metal, wood and plastic.
1. Power source
Ensure that the power source to be utilized conforms
to the power requirements speci ed on the product
2. Power switch
Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position. If the
plug is connected to a receptacle while the power switch
is in the ON position, the power tool will start operating
immediately, inviting serious accident.
3. Extension cord
When the work area is removed from the power source.
Use an extension cord of su cient thickness and rated
capacity. The extension cord should be kept as short as
4. Selecting the appropriate drill bit:
When boring metal or plastic
Use ordinary metalworking drill bits.
When boring wood
Use ordinary woodworking drill bits.
However, when drilling 6.5 mm or smaller holes, use a
metalworking drill bit.
5. Mounting and dismounting of the bit
(Fig. 1)
To prevent accidents, make sure to turn the switch o
and disconnect the plug from the receptacle.
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Merek Hikoki
Model D 6VA
Kategori Impact Drill
Jenis file PDF
Ukuran file 2.17 MB

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Tim dukungan kami mencari informasi produk yang berguna dan jawaban atas pertanyaan umum. Jika Anda menemukan ketidakakuratan dalam pertanyaan umum kami, harap beri tahu kami melalui formulir kontak kami.

Apa perbedaan antara bor tumbukan dan palu putar? Diverifikasi

Bor tumbukan dapat digunakan untuk mengebor lubang pada dinding bata dan mortar. Untuk mengebor lubang di dinding beton Anda memerlukan palu putar.

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Apakah saya perlu memakai pelindung pendengaran saat menggunakan bor? Diverifikasi

Ya kamu harus. Meskipun jumlah kebisingan yang dihasilkan oleh bor dapat bervariasi antara merek dan model, paparan suara keras dalam jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pendengaran permanen. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya kenakan pelindung pendengaran.

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Bisakah saya menyimpan perkakas listrik di gudang atau garasi? Diverifikasi

Secara umum, Anda dapat menyimpan perkakas listrik di gudang atau garasi, meskipun terkadang cuaca membeku di sana. Namun, untuk masa pakai perkakas listrik, lebih baik menyimpannya di tempat yang kering tanpa fluktuasi suhu yang besar. Pada gudang atau garasi, perbedaan suhu dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya kondensasi yang dapat menyebabkan karat. Selain itu, peralatan yang menggunakan baterai akan bertahan lebih singkat dan tidak dapat mengisi daya dengan baik pada suhu yang sangat rendah. Untuk memastikan bagaimana perkakas listrik Anda perlu disimpan, selalu bacalah panduan pengguna secara menyeluruh.

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Panduan Hikoki D 6VA Impact Drill

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